Hey DJ, you still want to be famous in a crowded business? This is part two on how to adopt management technics to DJing/music production. The most important decision stands at the very beginning of your career: positioning. What’s that? Lets have a look at the business dictionary: “
„Positioning is a marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct position, relative to competing brands, in the mind of the customer. Companies apply this strategy either by emphasizing the distinguishing features of their brand (what it is, what it does and how, etc.) or they may try to create a suitable image (inexpensive or premium, utilitarian or luxurious, entry-level or high-end, etc.) through advertising. Once a brand is positioned, it is very difficult to reposition it without destroying its credibility.“ (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/positioning.html)
Does this sound weird? Only at first glance! Positioning is a marketing strategy to give you as a DJ/producer a distinct position relative to your competitors – and in the eyes of the crowd! You achieve this distinct position either by stressing your unique way of making music, or by creating an unique and outstanding image via communication channels. So it’s not just deciding what kind of music your gonna play and done, ‚cause that’s what all your oh-so-many competitors are also doing! But you want to be different, unique, right? So you’ll have to put a little more effort into it.
Let’s start with the way a DJ is playing his/her music: beatmatching, perfectioning transitions, choice of tracks – those are things a beginner has to tackle. Sooner or later you’ll get to the point that you want your sets to sound different from those of others. And that is it: distinct position means that you are integrating specific sounds, vocals, spoken words, instruments, breaks, noises etc. into your tracks/sets so everybody will recognize you as the artist behind it.
Well, of course you can dive into brainstorming now on how to make your tracks unique – or you just wait until next week, when I’ll be showing you an example on how to do just that for techno music.
Stay tuned!
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