For way too long, going out to party and feeling the music together was a dream that seemed far in the future and always brought up old memories. But slowly, we as artists are able to step back into the starting gates and share our mixtapes with the dancing crowd. Corona has especially hit artists, but slowly the possibilities are opening up again.
In today’s blog, I’d like to share with you some practical tips based on study results from last year and get you excited about a coaching on the topic of personal branding for visual artists.

Why is it no longer possible without personal branding?
Whether it’s a job interview or convincing others of your idea, you should be aware of what makes you unique. How do you stand out from the crowd? And here we are in the middle of the topic…
Although we are often taught to just go with the flow and adapt or fit in, today’s market is more about sticking out while authentically bringing your personality to the forefront. The trick in doing so is to present yourself without bending over backwards.
Without self-marketing, you won’t get far these days, because with the help of personal branding, your own values and euphoria become tangible and approachable.
Where do I start?
Which archetype can you identify with and which puzzle pieces of your personality do you want to shine through? You can make a difference and have the potential to inspire others with your positive attitude and dynamism.
And as they say: “Step by step”. It only gets exciting when the artist can’t be seen through directly but keeps revealing new traits.
Personal branding is more than building your own website or social media presence. Many artists get lost in self-promotion or have a difficulty in connecting the work with their own character.
What does your target audience actually expect and how can they be inspired – who do you want to reach? More about these questions at the next blog post and the upcoming coaching…
Stay tuned.
More about Personal Branding…
- Personal Branding: Coaching. Part 4
- Personal Branding: Coaching. Part 3
- Personal Branding: Coaching. Part 2
- Personal Branding: Coaching
- Personal branding for the visual arts: the importance of the artistic work.
- Personal Branding for the Visual Arts.
- 4 questions that will make your personal branding project go down the drain.
- Personal Branding, a journey?
- House Altar February 2022
- 4 years with a Surface Book. 4 months with its successor, the MacBook.